Immersive Adventure

I’ve been quiet here at for quite a while. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy…

Since late 2011, when I was selected to become on of the first Google Trusted Photographers, most all of my working time has been focused on developing and operating my immersive media company

The Coronavirus pandemic has unexpectedly halted all on-location photoshoots. During this time I’ve had the time to look back and reminisce about the memorable experiences and projects I’ve developed while working as an immersive media creator.

Tiny Planet view created from a high-resolution HDR 360° panoramic photo captured from inside the pinnacle of the Colorado State Capitol dome. The gold dome was added in post using Photoshop.

From the depths of Grand Canyon to the pinnacle of the Colorado State Capitol’s gold dome, I’ve been fortunate to work with amazing clients from a very wide range of industries. I’ve developed deep experience and a skill set focused on emerging VR and AR technology while creating impactful 360° photo & 360° video content along with custom virtual experiences.

Building on my formal education in Photography over the last 20 years, I’ve worked in a range of positions that all combined, give me the ability to provide a strong range of visual services including: